Monday, May 26, 2008

like a monkey...

ready to be shot into space.
ken got a super buzzcut, today. i gave it to him.

did you ever feel like that everytime you think about someone far away they are actually thinking about you, too? and whatever emotion you have when you think of them is the emotion that they are feeling about you?

maybe i'm just full of shit, but either way i feel like punching someone in the face because of all the shit i have to deal with right now.


christa said...

No shit.

If I had some time off, we could start a PUNCHEVERYONEINTHEFACE campaign in like Olean or somewhere with a lot of people.

Benjo-sama said...

i would be down for that in a second, and then i could get you some good toke

"large buds, to get fried, no shake"