Wednesday, November 19, 2008

dream on the lake

i had a dream that i was swimming in lake Michigan
this is the first part

i sped through the water,cutting through the waves like a razor. Suddenly i found myself outside my body! As i looked down at my body, i saw it was still swimming steadly through the waves. I dropped my attention to my flesh body because i became more concerned with a strange light sneaking up behind me. The blinding shine always would dance around behind by back to where i could not see it. No matter how quickly i turned it would always be behind me.

Finally, i turned my whole body round to see the intense brightness, what looked to be a shining portal. Emerging from the door came a large group. It was all my friends, they had come to greet me. "Did you have a pleasant slumber?" asked one friend. Everyone burst into laughter, and i too laughed at my freinds jests. It felt good to laugh so freely, my soul being shared with all of theirs.

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