Saturday, August 25, 2007

what's that smell???

It smells like... back to school v___v I should be happy, because I have a huge blank spot in my schedule. But this is the year that "really counts" or so they say as they give me my perscription slip and say "I know you can do it, go get em tiger!" Its also the year to "start looking at colleges" Yep. Thats right. The colleges I'm not gonna go to. Why is so much expected of me??? Is it a sin to have free will?? Doesn't matter, because god doesn't exist, the bible is a terrible coordinated lie, christians are all going to hell, and I REFUSE to die. I'll walk around until my legs fall off. And when they do, I'll walk some more. I'll drink and smoke and make the little maggots in my digestive tract happy. I am not going to be a lawyer. I am not going to be a doctor. I WILL not be a doctor. There are two options to me, and one is clear. That option is LIFE. There is no burden big enough that I can't handle it, resolve it, or pass it off to someone else. The one thing I want from life is to be happy, and there are no means that I will not go to so that I can be happy. People spend their life with the same dull job, same over-mortgaged house, same brokendown car, and the same cheating spouse. Instead of working for the good of mankind, bending wires into paperclips or something, I shall work for one person, MYSELF.

In other news, the page check has reached the 200's, and it looks like there isn't a single vulgarity in this entire post. FUCK DAMN, THAT BULLSHIT AIN'T COOL..... CUNT.


Benjo-sama said...

if i had a dollar for every post i view i got, i could buy a plane ticket to somewheres nice.

Shannon said...

i dont really think that christians are going to hell
just to let you know